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Synthetic Lighting for Photography

Uses the principle of super-position  to post-process photographs of scenes in which the contribution of each light source is known.
Uses the formula of weighted averages to allow intermediate lighting:
It = wIa + (1-w)Ib


Raster Graphics

Implementation of five basic rasterization functions; drawLine, drawCircle, floodFill, boundaryFill and Scanline. drawLine and drawCircle both employ the Bresenham Midpoint algorithm.


3D Transformations

Creation of a skybox and a 3-D catapult in OpenGL using transformation matrices. Compiled using msys.
Main File: MobileCatapult.c


Ray Tracing

Converts 3D geometry into 2D pixels by tracing light rays backwards through a scene. The raytracer takes in the input scene file, and the output image file name. The tracing function  takes a ray as argument, and returns the color of that ray, working recursively.

Computer Graphics: Products
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